• Lifetime member.
  • Daily Archana inclusion.
  • Wall of Names: The names of all foundation donors, along with other generous donors who will be added along the way (while the foundation donor category will remain permanently with benefits mentioned), along with their respective donation categories, will be prominently featured alongside the 'Wall of Fame'.
  • Archana inclusion of 7 days per year of their choice.
  • Wall of Names: The names of all foundation donors, along with other generous donors who will be added along the way (while the foundation donor category will remain permanently with benefits mentioned), along with their respective donation categories, will be prominently featured alongside the 'Wall of Fame'.
  • Active Member - Membership fees from the eighth year: $500/Year.
  • Archana inclusion of 5 days per year of their choice.
  • Wall of Names: The names of all foundation donors, along with other generous donors who will be added along the way (while the foundation donor category will remain permanently with benefits mentioned), along with their respective donation categories, will be prominently featured alongside the 'Wall of Fame'.
  • Active Member - Membership fees from the sixth year: $500/Year.
  • Archana inclusion of 2 days per year of their choice.
  • Wall of Names: The names of all foundation donors, along with other generous donors who will be added along the way (while the foundation donor category will remain permanently with benefits mentioned), along with their respective donation categories, will be prominently featured alongside the 'Wall of Fame'.
  • Active Member - Membership fees from the third year: $500/Year.
  • Archana inclusion of 1 day per year of their choice.
  • Wall of Names: The names of all foundation donors, along with other generous donors who will be added along the way (while the foundation donor category will remain permanently with benefits mentioned), along with their respective donation categories, will be prominently featured alongside the 'Wall of Fame'.
  • Active Member - Membership fees from the second year: $500/Year.

Board Trustee Opportunities

  • Inclusion in daily Archana.
  • Dedicated parking with the last name printed.
  • Priority seating during ceremonies, events, or festivals.
  • Initial Board based on donation with an indefinite term, additional Trustees based on donations or services (max 18 or based on investment structure adopted for temple).
  • Trustee qualifications: Devotee, cultural diversity, knowledge of Hinduism, community service, etc.
  • Board elects officers with rotations and term limits.
  • Meetings at least quarterly, actions by Trustee votes, quorum is a majority.
  • Removal reasons include legal issues, absence, violation of bylaws, or working against the Temple's interest.
  • Trustees selected through a nominating committee, process involves approval by the Board and Temple Council.
  • Inclusion in weekly Archana.
  • Executes the general direction of the Board of Trustees.
  • Acts as a final authority in all temple-related matters, subject to majority vote approval from the Board of Trustees.
  • Lifetime terms, subject to removal by a 90% vote for specific grounds.
  • Authority includes electing a Convener and Secretary every 2 years, meeting at least quarterly, and approving significant transactions and decisions.
  • Convener breaks ties, and the authority cannot be changed by bylaw amendments.
  • Inclusion in weekly Archana.
  • Carries out day-to-day temple affairs.
  • Up to 18 members, 13 nominated by the Nominating Committee, and five selected by the Board.
  • One-year terms, with the President responsible for day-to-day operations.
  • Lifetime and good standing members get a 50% discount on regular pooja (Archana) at the temple.
  • Active membership by paying $500/annual fees.
  • Exclusive announcements to members for any temple services or poojas.
  • Devotee, volunteer, cultural diversity & knowledge of Hinduism.