Temple Deity Committee

Initial selection of deities to be installed to make it more universal to all Hindus, with at least one deity for each day. This could include a selection such as Monday - Shiva, Tuesday - Hanuman, Wednesday - Ganesha, Thursday - Sai Baba, Friday - Lakshmi, Saturday - Venkateshwara (Balaji), along with the Navagrahas.

Deity Rituals

Oversees the daily, weekly, and annual rituals and worship practices.

Deity Festivals

Plans and organizes special festivals and celebrations related to the temple deities.

Deity Artifacts

Maintains and preserves the sacred artifacts, clothing, and accessories of the deities.


Fundraising Committee

Develops strategies for raising funds, including campaigns and events.

Donor Relations

Cultivates relationships with donors, sponsors, and supporters.


Revenue Committee

Creates monthly recurring plans to make the temple self-sustained.

Facility Rentals

Manages the rental of temple facilities for events, gatherings, or meetings.

Membership Plans and Benefits

Develops membership packages, benefits, and privileges for temple members.


Design Committee

Develops the logo, branding guidelines, and overall visual identity.

Facility Rentals

Manages the rental of temple facilities for events, gatherings, or meetings.

Interior Design

Plans the interior decoration, layout of worship spaces, art displays, etc.


Designs brochures, flyers, posters, and other printed materials.

Receipts and Stationery

Designs official receipts, letterheads, and other stationery.


Digital Committee

Manages the development, maintenance, and updating of the official website.

Social Media

Handles social media accounts, posts, and engagement strategies.

Digital Payments

Oversees online donation platforms, payment gateways, and digital fundraising campaigns.

Email Communication

Manages email newsletters, announcements, and communication with members.


Finance Committee

Plans and manages the annual budget for the center's operations and activities.

Donations and Fundraising

Organizes fundraising events, donation drives, and grant applications.

Financial Reports

Prepares financial statements, reports, and ensures transparency in financial matters.


Programs and Events Committee

Plans festivals, cultural programs, art exhibitions, and music concerts.

Religious Ceremonies

Organizes religious services, rituals, and ceremonies.

Educational Workshops

Arranges classes, seminars, and workshops on spirituality, art, or cultural topics.

Startup and Leadership Program for Youth

Creates a yearly one-week program for high school students to learn about startups, entrepreneurship, and leadership. This program aims to foster entrepreneurial skills and leadership qualities among young individuals.

Annual Startup Leadership Idea Presentation Event

Organizes an annual event where students can present their startup and leadership ideas. Invites 4-5 venture capitalists (VCs) to judge and potentially sponsor the event.


Outreach and Public Relations Committee

Develops initiatives to engage with the local community and foster relationships.

Media Relations

Handles press releases, media inquiries, and interviews.

Visitor Services

Welcomes guests, provides tours, and answers questions about the center.


Maintenance and Facilities Committee

Oversees the upkeep of the physical structure, including repairs and renovations.

Exterior Maintenance

Manages landscape, gardens, parking areas, and exterior beautification projects.

Facilities Management

Ensures proper functioning of utilities, HVAC systems, and safety equipment.


Cultural Committee

Promotes cultural awareness, education, and appreciation within the community.

Artistic Programs

Organizes art exhibitions, performances, and cultural exchanges.


Volunteer and Membership Committee

Recruits and trains volunteers for various activities and services.

Membership Services

Manages membership registration, benefits, and engagement.


Recognizes and appreciates the contributions of volunteers and members.


Legal Bylaws and Compliance Committee

Develops and updates internal bylaws, governance structures, and policies.

Legal Affairs

Ensures compliance with laws, regulations, and legal requirements.

Risk Management

Identifies and mitigates risks related to operations, finance, and liabilities.


Hospitality and Services Committee

Organizes the distribution of prasad or sacred food offerings.

Visitor Services

Provides information to visitors, assists with accommodations, and arranges transportation.

Catering and Events Management

Coordinates food services for events, ceremonies, and gatherings.


Logistics Committee

Manages the logistics for events, including venue arrangements, equipment, and scheduling.

Supply Chain Management

Oversees procurement, inventory, and distribution of supplies.


Puja & Scheduling Committee

Plans and organizes religious ceremonies, rituals, and worship services.


Manages the calendar of events, ceremonies, and activities at the center.


Audit Committee

Ensures financial records are accurate and comply with regulations.

Operational Audits

Reviews the effectiveness of operations and adherence to policies.


Events Committee

Plans and coordinates various events, celebrations, and special programs.

Guest Speakers

Arranges for guest speakers, scholars, or artists for special events.


Services Committee

Develops and manages outreach programs, charity drives, and social initiatives.

Worship Services

Ensures the smooth conduct of regular worship services and rituals.


PR and Media Committee

Manages public image, press releases, and media partnerships.

Marketing Campaigns

Develops marketing strategies to promote events, activities, and the center itself.


Social Media Committee

Creates and publishes engaging content on social media platforms.

Community Engagement

Interacts with followers, responds to messages, and fosters online community.